Every Wednesday 6:30 PM
Every Sunday 8:30 AM

OSHO Meditation Center Surrey

Location : 4748-152 St, Surrey
For more info: Call or text
Rajiv : 604-537-4306
OSHO Meditation - In Person

Event Information

Event DateEvery Wednesday 6:30 PM
Event DateEvery Sunday 8:30 AM
Seats Available10 Seats
Program Fee$10

OSHO Meditation - In Person

Every Wednesday 6:30 PM Every Sunday 8:30 AM Location: 4748-152 St, Surrey
 About the Osho Meditation Techniques To help the contemporary seeker reach an experience of meditation, self-observation and inner stillness much easier and faster, Osho, the twentieth century Indian mystic, created several active meditation techniques. These meditations are used by millions of people around the globe with extraordinary results, and aid the modern-day seeker to experience inner silence and stillness a lot faster than what can be achieved through a long practice of passive sitting.
The Osho  Meditations are not only fast and effective, but they are also easy and enjoyable to practice.
👉 Registration required for every session: Text or Call 🌻 Rajiv: 604-537-4306 đź‘‰ 10$ drop in -Student’s Free(limited spots) /150$ One Time membership đź‘‰ Loose clothing recommended.
🌻 Disclaimer: If you have any medical conditions, please consult your doctor before undertaking a program of this sort. These meditations are safe if done properly and with awareness of your own limitations. Only perform the Active meditation at a level that feels comfortable, and stop if you begin to feel uncomfortable or light-headed. It isn’t a race, so progress at your own pace.

OSHO is a registered trademark of Osho International Foundation, used with permission, www.osho.com/trademarks. Some material used here (images and text excerpts) is Copyright ©️ OSHO International Foundation www.osho.com/copyrights.

